Before you travel to Japan for the first time, you may want to remember a few useful Japanese phrases to make your trip even more smooth and enjoyable. Here are some simple words and phrases that are worth knowing.
Japanese Greetings
Ohayo Gozaimasu: Good morning.
Konnichiwa: Hello.
Konbanwa: Good evening (greeting).
Oyasuminasai: Good evening (farewell).
Hajimemashite: Nice to meet you.
Watashi wa (name) desu: My name is (name).

Japanese for Shops/Restaurants
Sumimasen: Excuse me. It is a formal apology, and it is also said as the first word to say before
asking for a favor. Example: Sumimasen (excuse me), Otearai wa doko desu ka (where is the
bathroom?). You can also use it to call for someone’s attention.
Onegaii shimasu: Please.
Kekko desu: No, thanks.
Ikura desu ka: How much does it cost?
Arigato Gozaimasu: Thank you very much.
Doitashimashite: You are welcome.
Tasukete kuremasen ka: Could you help me?
(drink name) kudasai: (drink name) please. Example: Omizu (water) kudasai (please).
Itadakimasu: Thank you for the food (it is said before eating).
Gochiso sama deshita: Thanks for the food. It was delicious. (It is said after eating)
Yes: Hai.
No: Iie.
Nihongo ga wakarimasen: I do not understand Japanese.
Eigo de onegaii shimasu: Please speak in English.
(name of the place) wa doko desu ka: Where is (name of the place)?
(name of the country) kara kimashita: I came from (name of the country).
Onaka ga suita: I am hungry.
Nodo ga kawaita: I am thirsty.
Gomennasai: Sorry. Forgive me.
(name of a person, object or place) ga suki desu: I like (name of a person, object, or place).
Dame desu: I can not. I do not want to. I do not like it. Negative.
Please check this article for more handy Japanese language for tourists!