Kawagoe Matsuri festival in Japan

Info About Japan

Home Info About Japan

Would you like to get handy travel tips for Japan and learn more about Japanese culture, food, history, subcultures, daily life, and more? This information guide will help you out!

  • Kawagoe Festival, Famous for its Beautiful Floats | Japanese Festival Guide

    Kawagoe Festival, Famous for its Beautiful Floats | Japanese Festival Guide

    Kawagoe Matsuri is an October festival not far from Tokyo. They use elaborately decorated floats that you rarely see in the big cities, and the traditional backdrop of Kawagoe makes it a beautiful sight.

  • Fun Amusement Parks in Japan

    Fun Amusement Parks in Japan

    Some of the world’s best amusement parks are in Japan! Which theme parks should definitely feature on your to-go list when you travel to Japan?

  • Nature Love in Japan | Japanese Culture Guide

    Nature Love in Japan | Japanese Culture Guide

    Nature love is all around in Japan. What’s the history of Japan’s relationship with nature? And how can you immerse yourself in nature when you travel to Japan?

  • Excellent Street Foods in Japan

    Excellent Street Foods in Japan

    We all know yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and takoyaki. Let us introduce 6 of our personal favorites when it comes to street food in Japan!

  • The 5 Great Outdoor Activities in Japan

    The 5 Great Outdoor Activities in Japan

    Are you a bit of an adventurous traveler? In addition to culture, history, and great food, Japan also has plenty of outdoor activities to offer. Find out which 5 activities we especially recommend for some action!

  • Yokai | Scary and Cute Japanese Monsters

    Yokai | Scary and Cute Japanese Monsters

    Do you like slightly unsettling and scary folk tales? Japan has plenty of them. Let us introduce 3 famously eerie Japanese yokai monsters to you!

  • Cup Noodles | A very popular dish among the Japanese

    Cup Noodles | A very popular dish among the Japanese

    Cup Noodles are a popular instant noodle brand sold in a cup invented by the Japanese in 1971. This article explains the development of the Cup Noodle and the Cup Noodle Museums in Osaka and Yokohama.

  • The world’s most popular Ultraman

    The world’s most popular Ultraman

    Ultraman is a Japanese TV superhero like Superman. It has been more than 50 years since the series started. Let’s learn about the fascinating characters and related places for an anime pilgrimage!

  • Plastic Food Samples | Japan’s Wonderful Technology

    Plastic Food Samples | Japan’s Wonderful Technology

    Elaborately made food samples in Japan’s restaurant windows help you decide if you want to eat there. Did you know that you can buy them as a souvenir or even try to make them yourself?

  • Jomon Period | The Beginning of Japanese History

    Jomon Period | The Beginning of Japanese History

    The Jomon Period is the first-named period in Japanese history, and it was 70,000 – 10,000 years ago. Let’s learn what the period was like and where you can see related ruins and exhibitions.

  • The Best Beaches in Japan

    The Best Beaches in Japan

    Japan is not only great for those who want to discover history and culture. There are also some amazing beaches in the country that offer pure relaxation without the crowds in most seasons.

  • Wotagei a Cheer Dance of Japanese Otaku Fans

    Wotagei a Cheer Dance of Japanese Otaku Fans

    Wotagei is a type of cheer dance that is usually done by devoted fans for their much-loved idols during concerts. There are specific choreographies that all concert-goers seem to know. What’s up with wotagei?

  • Japanese History : A Short and Simple Overview

    Japanese History : A Short and Simple Overview

    Have you always wanted to understand Japanese history in a nutshell? Here is a handy, short overview of Japanese history from 14,000 BC to the modern time!

  • Relaxing Activities in Japan to Rest Your Mind and Body

    Relaxing Activities in Japan to Rest Your Mind and Body

    Do you want to return from your trip to Japan completely refreshed? Why not end your holiday with a day or 2 of these relaxing activities?

  • Traditional desserts that are very popular among the Japanese

    Traditional desserts that are very popular among the Japanese

    Japanese desserts are probably a bit different from what you are used to, but there are some really great ones out there. Here are our 5 favorite Japanese desserts and their recipes!

  • Calligraphy in Japan | Beautiful and dynamic expression

    Calligraphy in Japan | Beautiful and dynamic expression

    Calligraphy is called ‘shodo’ in Japan, and it is an art form with a very long history. How did Japanese calligraphy evolve? And what is the function of calligraphy in modern Japanese society?

  • Super Solo Culture in Japan

    Super Solo Culture in Japan

    Recently, cities in Japan have become much more solo-customer-friendly. The so-called ‘super solo culture’ has taken off and will probably only grow larger. What gave rise to this culture, and where can you go to experience it?

  • Maglev Super Fast New Train in Japan

    Maglev Super Fast New Train in Japan

    Maglev is a super fast train that uses magnetic levitation. Japan is currently building a maglev train that will run up to 500 km/h. See where you can already experience this train in action.

  • The 100 Yen Shop in Japan | Very convenient and very popular

    The 100 Yen Shop in Japan | Very convenient and very popular

    The 100 yen shop (dollar store) is very popular in Japan. It is a convenient shop because you can find almost anything you are looking for, including great affordable souvenirs for foreign tourists. Let’s find out what they sell!

  • Golden Week Holiday in Japan

    Golden Week Holiday in Japan

    Between late April and the beginning of May, there are four national holidays. We call this period Golden Week. Let’s find out how the Japanese like to spend this period and how you should travel to avoid the crowds.