While judo and karate are the most popular martial arts to practise outside of Japan, sumo is probably the martial art from Japan that appeals most to the imagination.
Ramen became one of the iconic foods from Japan, having gained a lot of popularity outside of Japan in recent years. This is no wonder as ramen noodles are affordable, quick, and delicious.
In Japanese culture, it is important not to waste any food, and the onigiri (rice ball) is a great example of how this goal is reached. Onigiri often features in home-made bento lunch boxes.
Japan’s traditional New Year’s food osechi ryori has a long history that began in the Heian era, as back in the day it was taboo to cook on the first 3 days of the year.
Bento is the Japanese word for a meal served in a box. Bentos form an integral part of Japanese food culture, which cannot be simply traced from a packed meal.
In Japan, a very important national tradition returns every year in the early spring. Everybody gets together outside, prepares a picnic mat under the blooming cherry trees (sakura trees), and shares food and drinks.
The national bird of Japan is the green pheasant, named ‘Kiji’ in Japanese. It was declared the National Bird in 1947. The Kiji has been featured in many legends, mythology, poetry, and paintings.
The national flag of Japan is officially called ‘Nisshoki’, which means ‘Flag of the Sun symbol’, although colloquially it is known as ‘Hinomaru’ which means ‘Circle of the Sun’. It is the most important symbol of Japan.
Chrysanthemums first came to Japan from China in the fifth century. Chrysanthemum cultivation began in Japan during the Nara and Heian periods (710-1185) when the flower was planted throughout Japan.
Japanese writing consists of three systems, kanji, hiragana, and katakana. Here’s a simple overview of how the Japanese writing system works.
Kabuki theater is a popular performance art that you can only see in Japan. It is performed by only male actors, and traditionally the trade has mainly been inherited by sons from their fathers.
Tanka is uniquely Japanese poetry that was perfected at the beginning of the seventh century.
Japan has the oldest continuous monarchy in the world. According to mythology, the first Emperor of Japan, Emperor Jimmu, is descended from the Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu and he was enthroned in 660 BC.
The Danjiri Matsuri (float festival) in Osaka started in 1703. The festival was created by the Lord of Kishiwada Castle to pray for an abundant harvest, and it is still going strong today.