Urban nightscape in Tokyo, Japan


Home demography
  • Super Solo Culture in Japan

    Super Solo Culture in Japan

    Recently, cities in Japan have become much more solo-customer-friendly. The so-called ‘super solo culture’ has taken off and will probably only grow larger. What gave rise to this culture, and where can you go to experience it?

  • Special Real Estate Trends in Japan

    Special Real Estate Trends in Japan

    Our tour customers regularly ask the guides about the real estate market in Japan. Let us give you an overview of the housing market in Japan and likely trends in the near future.

  • School Life in Japan (16-22 years)

    School Life in Japan (16-22 years)

    Being a high school student in Japan is not much about fun and very much about studying until you drop. But once you pass that dreaded entrance exam for university, your life will drastically improve.

  • Japan’s Economy Recovering from the Slump

    Japan’s Economy Recovering from the Slump

    It is no secret that Japan’s economy has been in a slump for the last 30 years. Ever since the Japanese stock market crashed in 1989, Japan hasn’t been able to get back to pre-crash levels until very recently.

  • Secret of High Economic Growth in Japan

    Secret of High Economic Growth in Japan

    The Japanese economy was booming in the mid-20th century. What were Japan’s opportunities that caused this economic boom?

  • Salaries and Taxes in Japan’s Economic Powerhouse

    Salaries and Taxes in Japan’s Economic Powerhouse

    Because the Japanese government has a large budget deficit, the tax burden is quite high in Japan. What is the average salary, and how much do Japanese workers have to pay in taxes and premiums?

  • Unique Japanese Weddings

    Unique Japanese Weddings

    Japan has its own customs surrounding weddings. Learn more about the interesting mix of cultures that makes up Japanese weddings!