Toji means Eastern Temple, and this temple in Kyoto has a very long history. The religious foundations of Kyoto were laid here, and Buddha has protected the city from where Kukai founded the temple since 796.
Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion) was constructed by a shogun from the 15th century. You can still see his quest for beauty in the Ginkakuji, even after 500 years.
Hiraizumi flourished for nearly one hundred years, during a peaceful era of prosperity. Today, you can still see remnants of this rich legacy.
The people who practice Shugendo asceticism on Dewa Sanzan are called ‘yamabushi’, and they are probably the most rigorous and stoic people in the history of Japan.
Yamadera is a temple in a mountainous region of Yamagata. It was founded over a thousand years ago, and now it is one of the region’s best-kept secrets. Some of the most amazing views of nature can be seen from Yamadera.
In Japan, tofu has been a part of the menu for many centuries. The rest of the world is now also catching up, as there are great health benefits to eating tofu.
Enoshima is a small island right next to Kamakura, which makes it a popular additional destination for those visiting Kamakura. It is lively from spring to fall, and in the wintertime, you will find the island peaceful and quiet.