
Anime | the One and Only Genre Produced in Japan

The history of the anime goes back to 1907 when many Japanese artists were influenced by Western animation and decided…

5 years ago

Two of Japan’s Most Famous Anime

Anime is one of the most important modern cultural facets of Japan. The word 'anime' comes from the English word…

5 years ago

Manga | the Wonderful Culture of Japan

In the late 1940's, Tezuka Osamu, the father of modern Manga, began working cinematic effects learnt from European movies in…

5 years ago

Nakano Broadway, Tokyo | a Town Full of Japanese Subcultures

Nakano Broadway is an amazing retro shopping center that is regarded as a sanctuary for 'otaku', the Japanese version of…

5 years ago

Animate, one of the Largest Anime Stores in Japan

Animate sells a wide variety of anime goods including comics, light novels, dojinshi (self-published magazines), CDs, DVDs, character goods, figures,…

5 years ago

The Father of Japanese Anime : Tezuka Osamu

Tezuka Osamu is one of the most important persons in the history of Japanese anime. His main works include Astro…

4 years ago

One Piece | The Most Interesting Manga and Life Textbook

One Piece is one of the most popular anime in Japan. It was registered in the Guinness World Record as…

4 years ago

Pokemon | One of the Great Games Japan has Produced

Pokemon was born in 1996 as a computer game for the Game Boy. It became a huge success, and nowadays…

4 years ago

Neon Genesis EVANGELION One of Japan’s Most Popular Animations

While Neon Genesis EVANGELION wasn't very popular when it just came out, it slowly grew into one of the most…

4 years ago