Traditional house in Mikazukimura, Gunma, Japan


Home Japan Travel Guide Kanto Gunma

Not too far away from Tokyo, you can find the nature and hot spring paradise of Gunma. Many people who live in Tokyo go to Gunma when they want to take a short break from the city. You can find many famous onsen resorts in Gunma like Kusatsu, Ikaho, Minakami, and more. Winter is the most popular time to go to the onsen, and in the summer it is a great place to go to cool down in one of the rivers and to go camping near the riverside. Read this travel guide for more tips!

Sericulture (silk) used to be Gunma’s main industry, and for those looking to learn more about the prefecture’s past, it is interesting to visit the Tomioka Silk Mill and other industrial heritage that is connected to the silk industry. Nowadays, Gunma’s main export products are konjac and dairy.