
Japan’s Economy Recovering from the Slump

It is no secret that Japan's economy has been in a slump for the last 30 years. Ever since the…

5 years ago

Unique Japanese Weddings

Japan has its own customs surrounding weddings. Learn more about the interesting mix of cultures that makes up Japanese weddings!

4 years ago

School Life in Japan (16-22 years)

Being a high school student in Japan is not much about fun and very much about studying until you drop.…

4 years ago

Secret of High Economic Growth in Japan

The Japanese economy was booming in the mid-20th century. What were Japan's opportunities that caused this economic boom?

4 years ago

Salaries and Taxes in Japan’s Economic Powerhouse

Because the Japanese government has a large budget deficit, the tax burden is quite high in Japan. What is the…

4 years ago

Special Real Estate Trends in Japan

Our tour customers regularly ask the guides about the real estate market in Japan. Let us give you an overview…

4 years ago

Super Solo Culture in Japan

Recently, cities in Japan have become much more solo-customer-friendly. The so-called 'super solo culture' has taken off and will probably…

4 years ago