Traditional Japanese Culture

Beautiful and Historic Japanese Garden Landscape

How did Japanese gardens develop? And how can we appreciate Japanese gardens? Find out more about Japanese gardens.

4 years ago

Funeral Rites Unique to Japan

A funeral in Japan is held in Buddhist style. There are a wake, farewell service, cremation, ensepulcher, etc. You are…

4 years ago

Omiyage | The Chic Tradition of Japanese Souvenirs

Omiyage are tasty locals souvenirs from Japan that were first used to thank trip financers for their contributions in the…

4 years ago

Removing Shoes in Japan | One of the unique rules of Japan

Removing your shoes before entering a house or building is not only hygienic, in Japan, it is much more than…

4 years ago

Calligraphy in Japan | Beautiful and dynamic expression

Calligraphy is called 'shodo' in Japan, and it is an art form with a very long history. How did Japanese…

4 years ago

Plastic Food Samples | Japan’s Wonderful Technology

Elaborately made food samples in Japan's restaurant windows help you decide if you want to eat there. Did you know…

4 years ago

Yokai | Scary and Cute Japanese Monsters

Do you like slightly unsettling and scary folk tales? Japan has plenty of them. Let us introduce 3 famously eerie…

4 years ago